Friday, May 29, 2009

Now this is quite disturbing. A Jewish rabbi living in the West Bank has called on the Israeli government to use their troops to kill all Palestinian males more than 13 years old in a bid
to end Palestinian presence on this earth.
Now suppose that a white man had come out and declared we should exterminate every jew who was 13 yrs old or older. can you imagine the uproar! why, it would be as if hitler himself had risen from the grave and commanded the order!
This just goes to show the back-stabbing jews REAL feelings and intentions!\

Thursday, May 28, 2009

TVs Deadliest Warrior, Survivor and John & Cate, OH MY!

You know, everyday I find a reason to get pissed off. Take this new bullsh*t show "Deadliest Warrior" where the jewish producers take long dead warriors and make up a fake battle and decide the outcome, according to the jews. Now, I know there's nothing wrong with a healthy imagination, in a child, but the whole ideology that they shove down our throat along with this fake fight bullsh*t, is what really pisses me off. it doesn't take long to see their agenda.
John and Cate: what can I say? I never saw that stupid show because basically, another race-mixing WHORE and some wetback, sh*t-skinned moron doresn't appeal to me. Hell, I can see THAT type of trash everyday when I drive through Piqua. Now, because he cheated on that whore, (naaaaw! a wetback that cheats on his wife?? ) she get's do do whatever it it white trash whores do: get on TV and make money off of it. personally? Keep sh*t lie that off the air and we'll be better off.
I like the show "Survivor". I'm a survivalist and it always amazes me how many stupid people there are who can't even fish or make a friggin' snare. Then, to top it off, they now have the members who got voted off, for being two-faced, lying, cheating douchebags or well, for any reason, to be on a council to vote to see who wins. What a load of sh*t! Let the meanest, nastiest, most conniving f**ker out there win! That's why they call it f**king SURVIVOR! and f**k all those who got voted off! Newsflash: YOU'RE ALL LOSERS! Ironically, a nice, honest straight white guy beat the jew this time. HA!
That's the rant for now. Time to go smash the jew tube....

Claim Tomorrow and Tomorrow Belongs to US!

Claim Tomorrow!
Are you tired of your rights, the rights of our people being ignored or trampled upon--of being treated as if you or any of our people have no rights worth honoring or respecting? Are you tired of so-called civil rights or civil liberties spokesman who seem to feel that civil or constitutional rights are for everyone but our Eurofolk people? Are you tired of politicians, religious spokesmen, business leaders or others, some of whom like to occasionally talk as if they are for at least some of our people, but who seem unable to comprehend that the Constitution and Bill of Rights should and do apply to our Eurofolk, especially when our people are the ones who wrote it? Are you tired of "organizations" or "leaders" who are unwilling or unable to even begin to think about effectively standing up for the rights of our people? You need no longer be made to feel weak, frustrated, defeated or hopeless! You now have a voice and a means to begin to seriously, genuinely and effectively stand up for your rights and the rights of all our Eurofolk. You now have Liberty Rights Advocates (LibRA), a Eurofolk, patriotic, civil rights association.
LibRA is already emerging as the voice for our political prisoners, a voice they have long needed but never had before. Members of our association already have been involved in civil rights litigation, and have already won some victories, including the Supreme Court decision upholding the Religious Land Use & Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), a law designed to protect and defend the religious rights of not just prisoners, but of every citizen. We have engaged in several lobbying, public education and other activities, and are planning to actively participate in various political efforts, such as voters initiatives. So far we have had more successes than failures, more wins than losses. We are establishing a track record of success.
Whether you are confronted with anti-Eurofolk discrimination, infringement upon your right to the free exercise of your religion, deprivation of First Amendment rights, or other constitutional rights issues, methods and strategies we are successfully using to stand up for the rights of prisoners we can, should–and will–use to effectively stand up for the rights of our people who are not in prison.
If you intend to be a serious pro-Eurofolk, patriotic or nationalist activist, or to be actively involved in advocacy for issues self-appointed thought police arrogantly deem "politically incorrect," or even if you just realize that the oppressive squeeze of growing dispossession of our people and of an ever encroaching tyranny will only become increasingly more unbearable unless something is done about it, you need LibRA. If you are now finally serious about wanting to effectively stand up for your rights and the rights of all of our people, and realize that to achieve that purpose you must finally become involved in a serious-minded effort with positive direction and real purpose, then you can and should–indeed, you'd be a fool not to–join and support Liberty Rights Advocates.
Liberty Rights Advocates
P.O. Box 713
Johnstown, OH 43031
or donate online
Gun Control

Barack Obama at a recent rural elementary school assembly in East Texas, asked the audience for total quiet.

Then, in the silence, he started to slowly clap his hands once every few seconds, holding the audience in total silence.

Then he said into the microphone, "Children, every time I clap my hands together, a child in America dies from gun violence."

Then, little Bubba Earl, with a proud East Texas drawl, pierced the quiet and said:
''Well, dumbass, stop clapping!

Who Is Financing the Hate Crimes Bill?

We can NOT live with perverted, deviant, dusease-spreading, child-molesting PARASITES like these. They MUST be REMOVED!

Federal hate crimes bill S. 909 has now passed the House of Representatives and
is in the Senate Judiciary Committee. As we anticipate Tuesday morning's
probable Senate Judiciary hearing on this bill, we should ask, "Who is behind
this unthinkable, pedophile-protecting bill?"

Leaders of the Christian conservative right quickly respond, "Liberals and the
homosexual lobby!"

Yes, these two groups lead a list as long as your arm of hate bill supporters.
They inhabit the perverted legislative whore-house called "hate crimes law." Yet
they did not design and build the house. To know who did, visit
<>, the website of the Anti-Defamation League of
B'nai B'rith. There, ADL proudly boasts of their
"<>model anti-hate law" and persuading
45 US states to adopt it.

ADL's orchestration of hate laws in over 55 Western nations, in addition to the
US, is a long, dark story. This article presents a brief chronology of their
conspiracy to steal freedom of speech. That attempt is now reaching a momentous
climax, for good or evil, in the US Senate.

What is ADL?

B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant) is an international Jewish religious,
fraternal and educational, liberal activist organization. It describes itself as
the heart and soul of organized world Jewry. It was founded in New York City in
the mid-nineteenth century to further Jewish interests and community in America.
In 1913, their Anti-Defamation League was created, ostensibly to combat emerging

ADL/B'nai B'rith does not represent the thinking of all Jews. Most American Jews
are liberal (AP reported 81% voted for House Democrats in 2009); but a minority
vehemently oppose ADL's secularist agenda and bullying tactics. Rabbi Daniel
Lapin warns that ADL (which he calls secular Judaism) is "in relentless attack"
on evangelical Christians. His website has even listed a toll-free number for
Christians and conservatives to call and report harassment and accusations of
"anti-Semitism" from ADL. (1)

Today, there are roughly 200,000 members of B'nai B'rith International (with
chapters and lodges in 55 Western nations). Many are Jewish activists who work
behind the scenes in governments to pass hate crimes legislation and run hate
crimes bureaucracies. ADL efforts have been spectacularly successful. Whether in
California, Canada, Iceland, England or Australia-ADL's terminology, twisted
definitions and pretexts for hate crime indictments are identical. ADL phrases
such as "bias-motivated hate crime," "gender identity," "actual or perceived
sexual orientation," etc., are enshrined in the hate crime laws of most Western
industrialized nations today. If a yellow plastic arch rises from an urban
horizon in Beijing, you know it comes from McDonald's in America. So, too, we
recognize ADL when pastors in Holland or Australia are indicted for "hate
speech," slapped with severe penalties and physically and financially exhausted
in endless attempts to get free
from hate crime indictment. ADL of America and Canada, ADL Europe, and ADL
Australia are the super-powerful architects and enforcers of hate laws on three

How powerful is ADL? Congressman John Rarrick (in the Congressional Record
December 6, 1971) quoted Senator Jack Tenney of California: "The FBI and CIA are
tinker toys compared to ADL."

A History of Hate for Christian Values

Let's trace ADL/B'nai B'rith creation of hate laws over the past 38 years.

1971. After ten years lobbying, B'nai B'rith Canada and the Canadian Jewish
Congress persuaded Ottawa to enact their federal "anti-hate" law, the Canadian
Human Rights Act. Its Sec. 319 and subsequent provincial hate laws criminalize
any speech even "likely" to cause hatred or contempt against specially federally
protected groups-especially homosexuals, Jews, Muslims, immigrants, but never

1985. ADL began massive programs to end "bias," "hate," and Christian
"homophobia" in American businesses, local governments and schools. Since its
inception, ADL's World of Difference program has instructed, according to ADL,
"more than 375,000 elementary and secondary school teachers, responsible for
nearly 12 million students" toward "tolerance" of homosexuality.(2)

1988. ADL sponsored a nationwide competition open to all law students in
America, to craft a "model" anti-hate law for the US. Jewish law student Joseph
Ribikoff won first prize with his proposal to criminalize all
Christian/conservative leaders who criticize homosexuality as well as all loyal
members. (3) Through the 1990s, ADL persuaded roughly 45 states to adopt some
version of its refined model hate law. Visit <> for
detailed charts about states' implementation. During this time ADL also
established hate law bureaucracies throughout Europe.

1990. ADL was convicted in a California court of violating the civil rights of
more than 10,000 conservatives, pro-lifers, members of the political right and
Muslims on whom ADL had spied over the years, keeping secret surveillance files.
(4) My father and I were listed in these files gathered in cooperation with West
coast police departments.

1990. Congress passed ADL's Hate Crimes Statistics Act. It mixed synagogue with
state, making ADL the hate laws teacher to the US Justice Department, FBI and
every police precinct in America. Since then, ADL's twisted definitions, hate
law enforcement methods, and criteria for statistics reporting inform the
thinking and reflexes of the US law enforcement system. (5)

1998. ADL introduced its Hate Crimes Prevention Act to Congress, confident of
easy passage. Republican leaders in the House and Senate instructed everyone to
vote for it. Yet independent-thinking Republicans, dominating Conference between
the House and Senate, examined the bill closely. Aghast at its sinister
intentions, they stripped it out. Since then, ADL's federal hate bill has been
reintroduced and defeated by Republicans in every session of Congress. Today,
with a Democrat-dominated government, ADL eagerly anticipates victory: an
ADL-dominated hate crimes bureaucracy in America, ending free speech and
persecuting Christians from a hate crimes command center in Washington.

2004. Acting on authority of ADL's Pennsylvania hate law, ADL national executive
board member and Philadelphia DA Lynne Abraham arrested and imprisoned for 21
hours 11 Christians for the "hate crime" of peacefully witnessing to
homosexuals. Penalty if convicted of the seven charges would be 47 years in
prison and $90,000 fines each. After 3 months they were acquitted.

2004. ADL introduced their No Place for Hate program, which boldly encourages
American families to embrace homosexuality, same-sex marriage, etc. No Place for
Hate literature is promoted in Barnes and Noble bookstores and at local chapters
across the nation. One piece encourages families with young children to invite a
homosexual couple for an evening of dinner, fun and fellowship. This, ADL says,
will help destroy any "homophobic" attitudes developing in their young minds.

2004. ADL Europe and B'nai B'rith International set up a 56-member hate law
bureaucracy in Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
(OSCE). They also persuaded the European Union and Council of Europe to promote
the ADL hate law agenda. As part of OSCE, ADL created the International Network
Against Cyber-Hate (INACH) dedicated to ending online "hate speech" (really,
free speech, such as criticism of homosexuality and Israel). (6)

2006. ADL persuaded Congress to create its Global Office of Anti-Semitism in the
US State Department. Every year this ADL front reports on an "epidemic" of
anti-Semitism gleaned from ADL statistics gathered worldwide. In last year's
report to Congress, it accused Christians who believe the New Testament account
that Jewish leaders had Christ crucified of being "classic anti-Semites"-as was
Adolf Hitler. (7) In Canada, any public statement that Jewish leaders killed
Christ is considered the hate crime of anti-Semitism, punishable by a minimum
$5,000 fine and prison if repeated.

2007. The ADL-inspired Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act was
introduced into Congress. It would set up a federal commission to study and make
legislative recommendations to Congress on how to end Christian, conservative,
and far right "hate speech" that streams the internet, possibly inciting violent
hate crimes. It was unanimously passed by the House. (8)

2008. ADL, through Jewish lesbian activist and state Rep. Sheila Kuehl helped
pass California's SB777, banning criticism of homosexuality in public schools.
If any child now criticizes sodomy, he will be expelled. If a teacher or
administrator does, they are fired. (9) At the same time, ADL submitted an
extensive amicus brief to the California Supreme Court in favor of same-sex
marriage. (10) It undoubtedly influenced the Court's pro-homosexual decision.

2009. With another Jewish activist group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL
directed Missouri state police to consider white Christian conservatives, Ron
Paul supporters, tax and immigration protestors, pro-lifers, etc., as possible
domestic terrorists. (11) Soon after, Janet Nepolitano, who recently delivered
an extensive and flattering speech to an ADL convention, issued a very similar
directive from the Department of Homeland security, warning America of this
threat from the Christian conservative right. (12)

2009. ADL's federal hate crimes bill passed the House of Representatives
249-175. (13) The Senate version will probably be considered in the Senate
Judiciary Tuesday, May 12 at 10am EDT. (14)

ADL Hate Laws Target Christians

Get the picture? Do you see the trajectory of ADL's hate law agenda? It means
persecution of Christians and other free thinkers.

ADL is a cesspool of anti-Christian, anti-freedom social "civil rights"
initiatives. For decades its pipeline of legislative sewage has flowed directly
and interminably into Congress. If Americans defeat one ADL-inspired bill, ADL
has lined up six more. But unlike most evangelical Christians, ADL will never,
never give up-until it has created an "anti-hate" bureaucracy in America, like
Canada's, ending free speech.

What is ADL's ultimate objective? National director Abraham H. Foxman, author of
Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism, is a devout Orthodox Jew. In
1991, he angrily vacated his seat in the Orthodox synagogue of Teaneck, New
Jersey, because he felt its members and leadership were not praying for Israel
as passionately as they should! (15) Foxman says he earnestly looks forward to
Israel's Biblically prophesied "messiah." Christians know this is not Jesus
Christ but that prophesied "man of sin" (John 5:43) whom Jesus said Jews would
someday accept in place of Himself. Contemporary Jewish activists, like Foxman,
think "the messiah is the Jewish people"- i.e., when Jewish power finally
ascends over Christians and Gentiles, Jewish power by itself will make "messiah"

Why does Foxman promote homosexuality, same-sex marriage, pornography (he gave
pornographers Hugh and Christy Hefner special "free speech" awards)? (16) Why do
ADL and other Jewish "civil liberties" groups, such as the ACLU (17), Southern
Poverty Law Center, People for the American Way, etc., do all they can to tear
down our crosses, Ten Commandments, manger scenes, Christian symbols (18) and
passionately support the killing of 50 million babies through abortion? For that
matter, why did the Jewish forefathers of these Jewish supremacists invent and
facilitate Communism and socialism (liberalism)-dedicated to breaking down the
capitalist free enterprise system? (19) Why does Jewish-dominated media (20)
relentlessly corrupt our morals and those of our children, casting aspersions
(as in the Da Vinci Code) on the deity and legitimacy of Christ? (21)


The Jewish supremacists of ADL/B'nai B'rith know that if Christian nations
remain strong, virtuous and industrious, they will never realize their messiah
in sovereignty over the nations, ruling the world from Jerusalem. (22)

Even if Christian or conservative leaders know of such demonic aspirations, they
will never say it. ADL has them convinced they will be ruined if they do-smeared
as "anti-Semites" and abandoned by Israel-first followers who have been
conditioned to loathe any hint of criticism of "God's chosen people."

If America is to survive, this must change. ADL has brought us the very brink of
slavery-intending to herd America into a one-world, international police state.
A great abyss of darkness lies just before us.

But it's we who should push ADL back into this abyss of its own making.
Everyone, leaders and followers, should speak out against ADL now! When we
collectively identify ADL as the greatest threat to freedom in our history, it
will be ADL, not us, who will be ruined.

How can we stop ADL? Begin by defeating its federal hate crimes bill S. 909, now
entering a probable first hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee, Tuesday May
12 at 10am EDT.

Call your senators and the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. If you
have time, call all the senators. Their names are listed on the Action page here
at Call 1-877-851-6437 toll-free or 1-202-225-3121 toll.
Tell them, "If the senator votes for the pedophile-protecting hate bill, I and
all my friends will never, never forgive or forget!"


Unless otherwise noted, the following are articles I have written, posted in the
archives of

1. "Rabbi Lapin: Christians Under 'Relentless Attack' by 'Secular Judaism'"
August 19, 2005.
2. "How the Bible Became 'Hate Speech' in California," October 30, 2007. "ADL
Expands Pro-Gay Education for Teachers" August 12, 2008.
3. Ribikoff's prize-winning proposal is thoroughly documented in my 82-minute
video, Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians, viewable on the homepage at
4. ibid.
5. ibid.
6. "Global Hate Crimes Gestapo Being Created," September 20, 2005.
7. "Bible is Hate, says US Government," April 9, 2008
8. "In Search of 'Homegrown Terrorists'," November 5, 2007
9. "How the Bible Became 'Hate Speech' in California," October 30, 2007
10. "Did ADL Influence California's 'Gay Marriage' Ruling?" May 19, 2008
11. "Missouri MIAC Documents Scandal Leads to Advisory on SPLC and ADL,"
Americans for Legal Immigration, March 26, 2009,
12. "Chorus of Protest Grows Over Report Warning of Right Wing Radicalization,", April 15, 2009.
13. "Hate Bill Passed in House!," April 30, 2009.
14. "Hate Bill Hearing Next Tuesday?," May 6, 2009.
15. "ADL's Foxman: Man of Faith?," February 27, 2006.
16. "Talmud: Wellspring of Jewish Pornography Industry," October 24, 2006,
"Pedophilia: The Talmud's Dirty Secret," October 11, 2006, "Judaism and
Homosexuality: A Marriage Made in Hell," September 6, 2006.
17. "ACLU Top Heavy with Jews," October 4, 2006.
18. "ADL's 'December Dilemma'," December 5, 2007
19. "Jewish Activists Created Communism," June 11, 2007
20. "Jews Confirm Big Media is Jewish," June 28, 2006
21. "The Jews Behind the Da Vinci Code," May 26, 2006.
22. "Israel: On the Way to Empire in the Middle East," August 1, 2006- Israel's
Biblically-prophesied ascendance is considered in depth in my 60-minute video
The Other Israel, viewable at the NPN Theater at Even more
extensive development of this Biblical eschatology is found in my book, Israel:
Our Duty, Our Dilemma, available at

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Who's Who of the Bilderbergs

The BIG question is how many of these Illuminati are jews and supporters of Israel?

Dutch Queen Beatrix

Queen Sofia of Spain

Prince Constantijn (Belgian Prince)

Prince Philippe Etienne Ntavinion, Belgium

Étienne, Viscount Davignon, Belgium (former vice-president of the European Commission)

Josef Ackermann (Swiss banker and CEO of Deutsche Bank)

Keith B. Alexander, United States (Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Director of the National Security Agency)

Roger Altman, United States (investment banker, former U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton)

Georgios A. Arapoglou, Greece (Governor of National Bank of Greece)

Ali Babaca , Turkey (Deputy Prime Minister responsible for economy)

Francisco Pinto Balsemão, Portugal (former Prime Minister of Portugal)

Nicholas Bavarez, France (economist and historian)

Franco Bernabè, Italy (Telecom Italia)

Xavier Bertrand, France (French politician connected to Nicolas Sarkozy)

Carl Bildt, Sweden (former Prime Minister of Sweden)

January Bgiorklount, Norway (?)

Christoph Blocher, Switzerland (industrialist, Vice President of the Swiss People’s Party)

Alexander Bompar, France (?)

Ana Patricia Botin, Spain, (President of Banco Banesto)

Henri de Castries, France (President of AXA, the French global insurance companies group)

Juan Luis Cebrián, Spain (journalist for Grupo PRISA; his father was a senior journalist in the fascist Franco regime)

W. Edmund Clark, Canada (CEO TD Bank Financial Group)

Kenneth Clarke, Great Britain (MP, Shadow Business Secretary)

Luc Cohen, Belgium (?)

George David, United States (Chairman and former CEO of United Technologies Corporation, board member of Citigroup)

Richard Dearlove, Great Britain (former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service)

Mario Draghi, Italy (economist, governor of the Bank of Italy)

Eldrup Anders, Denmark (CEO Dong Energy)

John Elkann, Italy (Italian industrialist, grandson of the late Gianni Agnelli, and heir to the automaker Fiat)

Thomas Enders, Germany (CEO Airbus)

Jose Entrekanales, Spain (?)

Isintro phenomena casket, Spain (?)

Niall Ferguson, United States (Professor of History at Harvard University and William Ziegler Professor at Harvard Business School)

Timothy Geithner, United States (Secretary of the Treasury)

Ntermot convergence, Ireland (AIV Group) (?)

Donald Graham, United States (CEO and chairman of the board of The Washington Post Company)

Victor Chalmperstant, Netherlands (Leiden University)

Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Netherlands (Dutch politician, minister of Justice in the fourth Balkenende cabinet, member of the Christian Democratic Appeal)

Richard Holbrooke, United States (Obama’s special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan)

Jaap De Hoop Scheffer, Netherlands (Dutch politician and the current NATO Secretary General)

James Jones, United States (National Security Advisor to the White House)

Vernon Jordan, United States (lawyer, close adviser to President Bill Clinton)

Robert Keigkan, United States (? - possibly Robert Kagan, neocon historian)

Girki Katainen, Finland (?)

John Kerr (aka Baron Kerr of Kinlochard), Britain (Deputy Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell and an independent member of the House of Lords)

Mustafa Vehbi Koç, Turkey (President of industrial conglomerate Koç Holding)

Roland GT, Germany (?)

Sami Cohen, Turkey (Journalist) (?)

Henry Kissinger, United States

Marie Jose Kravis, United States (Hudson Institute)

Neelie Kroes, Netherlands (European Commissioner for Competition)

Odysseas Kyriakopoulos, Greece (Group S & B) (?)

Manuela Ferreira Leite, Portugal (Portuguese economist and politician)

Bernardino Leon Gross, Spain (Secretary General of the Presidency)

Jessica Matthews, United States (President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)

Philippe Maystadt (President of the European Investment Bank)

Frank McKenna, Canada (Deputy Chairman of the Toronto-Dominion Bank)

John Micklethwait, Great Britain (Editor-in-chief of The Economist)

Thierry de Montbrial, France (founded the Department of Economics of the École Polytechnique and heads the Institut français des relations internationales)

Mario Monti, Italy (Italian economist and politician, President of the Bocconi University of Milan)

Miguel Angel Moratinos, Spain (Minister of Foreign Affairs)

Craig Mundie, United States (chief research and strategy officer at Microsoft)

Egil Myklebust, Norway (Chairman of the board of SAS Group, Scandinavian Airlines System)

Mathias Nass, Germany (Editor of the newspaper Die Zeit)

Denis Olivennes, France (director general of Nouvel Observateur)

Frederic Oudea, France (CEO of Société Générale bank)

Cem Özdemir, Germany (co-leader of the Green Party and Member of the European Parliament)

Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Italy (Italian banker, economist, and former Minister of Economy and Finance)

Dimitrios Th.Papalexopoulo, Greece (Managing Director of Titan Cement Company SA)

Richard Perle, United States (American Enterprise Institute)

David Petraeus, United States (Commander, U.S. Central Command)

Manuel Pinho, Portugal (Minister of Economy and Innovation)

J. Robert S. Prichard, Canada (CEO of Torstar Corporation and president emeritus of the University of Toronto)

Romano Prodi, Italy (former Italian Prime Minister and former President of the European Commission)

Heather M. Reisman, Canada (co-founder of Indigo Books & Music Inc.).

Eivint Reitan, Norway (economist, corporate officer and politician for the Centre Party)

Michael Rintzier, Czech Republic (?)

David Rockefeller, United States

Dennis Ross, United States (special adviser for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton)

Barnett R. Rubin, United States (Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center for International Cooperation)

Alberto Rouith-Gkalarthon, Spain (?)

Susan Sampantzi Ntintzer, Turkey (?) Guler Sabanci, President of Sabanci Holdings (?)

Indira Samarasekera, Canada (President of University of Alberta, Board of Directors Scotiabank)

Rountol Solten, Austria (?)

Jürgen E. Schrempp, Germany (CEO DaimlerChrysler)

Pedro Solbes Mira, Spain (economist, Socialist, Second Vice President and Minister of Economy and Finance)

Sampatzi Saraz, Turkey (banker) (?) possibly Süreyya Serdengeçti (former Governor of the Central Bank of Turkey)

Sanata Seketa, Canada (University of Canada) (?)

Lawrence Summers, United States (economist, Director of the White House’s National Economic Council)

Peter Sutherland, Ireland (Chairman, BP and Chairman of Goldman Sachs International)

Martin Taylor, United Kingdom (former chief executive of Barclays Bank, currently Chairman of Syngenta AG)

Peter Thiel, United States (Clarium Capital Management LCC, PayPal co-founder, Board of Directors, Facebook)

Agan Ourgkout, Turkey (?)

Matti Taneli Vanhanen, Finland, (Prime Minister)

Daniel L. Vasella, Switzerland (Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer at Novartis AG)

Jeroen van der Veer, Netherlands (CEO of Royal Dutch Shell)

Guy Verhofstadt, Belgium (former Prime Minister)

Paul Volcker, U.S. (former Federal Reserve director, Chair of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board)

Jacob Wallenberg, Sweden (chairman of Investor AB and former chairman of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken)

Marcus Wallenberg, Sweden (CEO of Investor AB, former chairman of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken)

Nout Wellink, Netherlands (Chairman of De Nederlandsche Bank, Board of Directors, the Bank of International Settlements)

Hans Wijers, Netherlands (CEO of the multinational corporation AkzoNobel)

Martin Wolf, Great Britain (associate editor and chief economics commentator at the Financial Times)

James Wolfensohn, United States (former president of the World Bank)

Paul Wolfowitz, United States (for U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, President of the World Bank, currently AEI scholar)

Fareed Zakaria, United States (journalist, author, and CNN host)

Robert Zoellick, United States (former managing director of Goldman Sachs, President the World Bank)

Dora Bakoyannis, Greece (Minister of Foreign Affairs)

Anna Diamantopoulou, Greece (Member of Parliament for the Panhellenic Socialist Movement)

Yannis Papathanasiou, Greece (Minister of Finance)

George Alogoskoufis, Greece (former Minister)

George A. David, Greece (businessman, president of Coca-Cola)>&pageId=99107

Bill would prohibit compelling executive branch from releasing documents

A bill approved by the House of Representatives and referred to
the Senate would prohibit federal employees of the executive branch from
being compelled to release any document unless a court makes a specified
determination by a preponderance of evidence - legislation at least one
group suspects is designed to protect Barack Obama's elusive birth
certificate from release.\
resides in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
for Obama birth certificate "billboard"


Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day to All of our Brave Veterans!

With solomn reverence, we should all take a moment to remember and thank the millions of veterans who have given their lives for our country. Whether or not they fought for America or another country, they were and are brave, courageous and selfless men and women who saw in themselves, a better good for their people.
By remembering them and their actions, words and deeds, we will never let them die.
To all of you, I salute you!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Stop the Pedaphile4 Protection Act!!

Stop The Pedophile Protection Act: ‘Hate’ Bill S. 909 - Call Your Senators Now 1-877-851-6437 Toll-Free

Abe FoxmanWho’s Behind The ‘Pedophile Protection Act?’

By Rev. Ted PikeMP3

Federal hate crimes bill S. 909 has now passed the House of Representatives and is in the Senate Judiciary Committee. As we anticipate a probable Senate Judiciary hearing on this bill sometime in the next week, we should ask, “Who is behind this unthinkable, pedophile-protecting bill?”

Leaders of the Christian conservative right quickly respond, “Liberals and the homosexual lobby!”

Yes, these two groups lead a list as long as your arm of hate bill supporters. They inhabit the perverted legislative whore-house called “hate crimes law.” Yet they did not design and build the house. To know who did, visit, the website of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. There, ADL proudly boasts of their “model anti-hate law” and persuading 45 US states to adopt it.

ADL’s orchestration of hate laws in over 55 Western nations, in addition to the US, is a long, dark story. This article presents a brief chronology of their conspiracy to steal freedom of speech. That attempt is now reaching a momentous climax, for good or evil, in the US Senate.

What is ADL?

B’nai B’rith (Sons of the Covenant) is an international Jewish religious, fraternal and educational, liberal activist organization. It describes itself as the heart and soul of organized world Jewry. It was founded in New York City in the mid-nineteenth century to further Jewish interests and community in America. In 1913, their Anti-Defamation League was created, ostensibly to combat emerging anti-Semitism.

ADL/B’nai B’rith does not represent the thinking of all Jews. Most American Jews are liberal (AP reported 81% voted for House Democrats in 2009); but a minority vehemently oppose ADL’s secularist agenda and bullying tactics. Rabbi Daniel Lapin warns that ADL (which he calls secular Judaism) is “in relentless attack” on evangelical Christians. His website has even listed a toll-free number for Christians and conservatives to call and report harassment and accusations of “anti-Semitism” from ADL. (1)

Today, there are roughly 200,000 members of B’nai B’rith International (with chapters and lodges in 55 Western nations). Many are Jewish activists who work behind the scenes in governments to pass hate crimes legislation and run hate crimes bureaucracies. ADL efforts have been spectacularly successful. Whether in California, Canada, Iceland, England or Australia—ADL’s terminology, twisted definitions and pretexts for hate crime indictments are identical. ADL phrases such as “bias-motivated hate crime,” “gender identity,” “actual or perceived sexual orientation,” etc., are enshrined in the hate crime laws of most Western industrialized nations today. If a yellow plastic arch rises from an urban horizon in Beijing, you know it comes from McDonald’s in America. So, too, we recognize ADL when pastors in Holland or Australia are indicted for “hate speech,” slapped with severe penalties and physically and financially exhausted in endless attempts to get free from hate crime indictment. ADL of America and Canada, ADL Europe, and ADL Australia are the super-powerful architects and enforcers of hate laws on three continents.

How powerful is ADL? Congressman John Rarrick (in the Congressional Record December 6, 1971) quoted Senator Jack Tenney of California: “The FBI and CIA are tinker toys compared to ADL.”

A History of Hate for Christian Values

Let’s trace ADL/B’nai B’rith creation of hate laws over the past 38 years.

  • 1971. After ten years lobbying, B’nai B’rith Canada and the Canadian Jewish Congress persuaded Ottawa to enact their federal “anti-hate” law, the Canadian Human Rights Act. Its Sec. 319 and subsequent provincial hate laws criminalize any speech even “likely” to cause hatred or contempt against specially federally protected groups—especially homosexuals, Jews, Muslims, immigrants, but never Christians.
  • 1985. ADL began massive programs to end “bias,” “hate,” and Christian “homophobia” in American businesses, local governments and schools. Since its inception, ADL’s World of Difference program has instructed, according to ADL, “more than 375,000 elementary and secondary school teachers, responsible for nearly 12 million students” toward “tolerance” of homosexuality.(2)
  • 1988. ADL sponsored a nationwide competition open to all law students in America, to craft a “model” anti-hate law for the US. Jewish law student Joseph Ribikoff won first prize with his proposal to criminalize all Christian/conservative leaders who criticize homosexuality as well as all loyal members. (3) Through the 1990s, ADL persuaded roughly 45 states to adopt some version of its refined model hate law. Visit for detailed charts about states’ implementation. During this time ADL also established hate law bureaucracies throughout Europe.
  • 1990. ADL was convicted in a California court of violating the civil rights of more than 10,000 conservatives, pro-lifers, members of the political right and Muslims on whom ADL had spied over the years, keeping secret surveillance files. (4) My father and I were listed in these files gathered in cooperation with West coast police departments.
  • 1990. Congress passed ADL’s Hate Crimes Statistics Act. It mixed synagogue with state, making ADL the hate laws teacher to the US Justice Department, FBI and every police precinct in America. Since then, ADL’s twisted definitions, hate law enforcement methods, and criteria for statistics reporting inform the thinking and reflexes of the US law enforcement system. (5)
  • 1998. ADL introduced its Hate Crimes Prevention Act to Congress, confident of easy passage. Republican leaders in the House and Senate instructed everyone to vote for it. Yet independent-thinking Republicans, dominating Conference between the House and Senate, examined the bill closely. Aghast at its sinister intentions, they stripped it out. Since then, ADL’s federal hate bill has been reintroduced and defeated by Republicans in every session of Congress. Today, with a Democrat-dominated government, ADL eagerly anticipates victory: an ADL-dominated hate crimes bureaucracy in America, ending free speech and persecuting Christians from a hate crimes command center in Washington.
  • 2004. Acting on authority of ADL’s Pennsylvania hate law, ADL national executive board member and Philadelphia DA Lynne Abraham arrested and imprisoned for 21 hours 11 Christians for the “hate crime” of peacefully witnessing to homosexuals. Penalty if convicted of the seven charges would be 47 years in prison and $90,000 fines each. After 3 months they were acquitted.
  • 2004. ADL introduced their No Place for Hate program, which boldly encourages American families to embrace homosexuality, same-sex marriage, etc. No Place for Hate literature is promoted in Barnes and Noble bookstores and at local chapters across the nation. One piece encourages families with young children to invite a homosexual couple for an evening of dinner, fun and fellowship. This, ADL says, will help destroy any “homophobic” attitudes developing in their young minds.
  • 2004. ADL Europe and B’nai B’rith International set up a 56-member hate law bureaucracy in Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). They also persuaded the European Union and Council of Europe to promote the ADL hate law agenda. As part of OSCE, ADL created the International Network Against Cyber-Hate (INACH) dedicated to ending online “hate speech” (really, free speech, such as criticism of homosexuality and Israel). (6)
  • 2006. ADL persuaded Congress to create its Global Office of Anti-Semitism in the US State Department. Every year this ADL front reports on an “epidemic” of anti-Semitism gleaned from ADL statistics gathered worldwide. In last year’s report to Congress, it accused Christians who believe the New Testament account that Jewish leaders had Christ crucified of being “classic anti-Semites”—as was Adolf Hitler. (7) In Canada, any public statement that Jewish leaders killed Christ is considered the hate crime of anti-Semitism, punishable by a minimum $5,000 fine and prison if repeated.
  • 2007. The ADL-inspired Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act was introduced into Congress. It would set up a federal commission to study and make legislative recommendations to Congress on how to end Christian, conservative, and far right “hate speech” that streams the internet, possibly inciting violent hate crimes. It was unanimously passed by the House. (8)
  • 2008. ADL, through Jewish lesbian activist and state Rep. Sheila Kuehl helped pass California’s SB777, banning criticism of homosexuality in public schools. If any child now criticizes sodomy, he will be expelled. If a teacher or administrator does, they are fired. (9) At the same time, ADL submitted an extensive amicus brief to the California Supreme Court in favor of same-sex marriage. (10) It undoubtedly influenced the Court’s pro-homosexual decision.
  • 2009. With another Jewish activist group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL directed Missouri state police to consider white Christian conservatives, Ron Paul supporters, tax and immigration protestors, pro-lifers, etc., as possible domestic terrorists. (11) Soon after, Janet Nepolitano, who recently delivered an extensive and flattering speech to an ADL convention, issued a very similar directive from the Department of Homeland security, warning America of this threat from the Christian conservative right. (12)
  • 2009. ADL’s federal hate crimes bill passed the House of Representatives 249-175. (13) The Senate version will probably be considered in the Senate Judiciary Tuesday, May 12 at 10am EDT. (14)

ADL Hate Laws Target Christians

Get the picture? Do you see the trajectory of ADL’s hate law agenda? It means persecution of Christians and other free thinkers.

ADL is a cesspool of anti-Christian, anti-freedom social “civil rights” initiatives. For decades its pipeline of legislative sewage has flowed directly and interminably into Congress. If Americans defeat one ADL-inspired bill, ADL has lined up six more. But unlike most evangelical Christians, ADL will never, never give up—until it has created an “anti-hate” bureaucracy in America, like Canada’s, ending free speech.

What is ADL’s ultimate objective? National director Abraham H. Foxman, author of Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism, is a devout Orthodox Jew. In 1991, he angrily vacated his seat in the Orthodox synagogue of Teaneck, New Jersey, because he felt its members and leadership were not praying for Israel as passionately as they should! (15) Foxman says he earnestly looks forward to Israel’s Biblically prophesied “messiah.” Christians know this is not Jesus Christ but that prophesied “man of sin” (John 5:43) whom Jesus said Jews would someday accept in place of Himself. Contemporary Jewish activists, like Foxman, think “the messiah is the Jewish people”— i.e., when Jewish power finally ascends over Christians and Gentiles, Jewish power by itself will make “messiah” happen.

Why does Foxman promote homosexuality, same-sex marriage, pornography (he gave pornographers Hugh and Christy Hefner special “free speech” awards)? (16) Why do ADL and other Jewish “civil liberties” groups, such as the ACLU (17), Southern Poverty Law Center, People for the American Way, etc., do all they can to tear down our crosses, Ten Commandments, manger scenes, Christian symbols (18) and passionately support the killing of 50 million babies through abortion? For that matter, why did the Jewish forefathers of these Jewish supremacists invent and facilitate Communism and socialism (liberalism)—dedicated to breaking down the capitalist free enterprise system? (19) Why does Jewish-dominated media (20) relentlessly corrupt our morals and those of our children, casting aspersions (as in the Da Vinci Code) on the deity and legitimacy of Christ? (21)


The Jewish supremacists of ADL/B’nai B’rith know that if Christian nations remain strong, virtuous and industrious, they will never realize their messiah in sovereignty over the nations, ruling the world from Jerusalem. (22)

Even if Christian or conservative leaders know of such demonic aspirations, they will never say it. ADL has them convinced they will be ruined if they do—smeared as “anti-Semites” and abandoned by Israel-first followers who have been conditioned to loathe any hint of criticism of “God’s chosen people.”

If America is to survive, this must change. ADL has brought us the very brink of slavery—intending to herd America into a one-world, international police state. A great abyss of darkness lies just before us.

But it’s we who should push ADL back into this abyss of its own making. Everyone, leaders and followers, should speak out against ADL now! When we collectively identify ADL as the greatest threat to freedom in our history, it will be ADL, not us, who will be ruined.

How can we stop ADL? Begin by defeating its federal hate crimes bill S. 909, now entering a probable first hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee sometime in this next week.

Call your senators and the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. If you have time, call all the senators. Their names are listed on the Action page here at Call 1-877-851-6437 toll-free or 1-202-225-3121 toll. Tell them, “If the senator votes for the pedophile-protecting hate bill, I and all my friends will never, never forgive or forget!”


Unless otherwise noted, the following are articles I have written, posted in the archives of

1. “Rabbi Lapin: Christians Under ‘Relentless Attack’ by ‘Secular Judaism’” August 19, 2005.
2. “How the Bible Became ‘Hate Speech’ in California,” October 30, 2007. “ADL Expands Pro-Gay Education for Teachers” August 12, 2008.
3. Ribikoff’s prize-winning proposal is thoroughly documented in my 82-minute video, Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians, viewable on the homepage at
4. ibid.
5. ibid.
6. “Global Hate Crimes Gestapo Being Created ,” September 20, 2005.
7. “Bible is Hate, says US Government,” April 9, 2008
8. “In Search of ‘Homegrown Terrorists’,” November 5, 2007
9. “How the Bible Became ‘Hate Speech’ in California,” October 30, 2007
10. “Did ADL Influence California’s ‘Gay Marriage’ Ruling?” May 19, 2008
11. “Missouri MIAC Documents Scandal Leads to Advisory on SPLC and ADL,” Americans for Legal Immigration, March 26, 2009,
12. “Chorus of Protest Grows Over Report Warning of Right Wing Radicalization,”, April 15, 2009.
13. “Hate Bill Passed in House!,” April 30, 2009.
14. “Hate Bill Hearing Next Tuesday?,” May 6, 2009.
15. “ADL’s Foxman: Man of Faith?,” February 27, 2006.
16. “Talmud: Wellspring of Jewish Pornography Industry,” October 24, 2006, “Pedophilia: The Talmud’s Dirty Secret,” October 11, 2006, “Judaism and Homosexuality: A Marriage Made in Hell,” September 6, 2006.
17. “ACLU Top Heavy with Jews,” October 4, 2006.
18. “ADL’s ‘December Dilemma’,” December 5, 2007
19. “Jewish Activists Created Communism,” June 11, 2007
20. “Jews Confirm Big Media is Jewish,” June 28, 2006
21. “The Jews Behind the Da Vinci Code,” May 26, 2006.
22. “Israel: On the Way to Empire in the Middle East,” August 1, 2006— Israel’s Biblically-prophesied ascendance is considered in depth in my 60-minute video The Other Israel, viewable at the NPN Theater at Even more extensive development of this Biblical eschatology is found in my book, Israel: Our Duty, Our Dilemma, available at

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


90 people get the Swine Flu and everybody wants to wear a mask.
A million people have AIDS and no one wants to wear a condom.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Why Do JOOS Support the Hate Crimes Prevention Bill?

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May 11, 2009

The Hate Crimes Prevention Bill: Why Do Jewish Organizations Support It?

By Kevin MacDonald

The Hate Crimes Prevention Bill” will be in the Senate Judiciary Committee this week. It recently passed the House, causing the Anti-Defamation League to rejoice. The ADL called the law "an essential and necessary step forward in the national effort to counter hate crimes" and urged passage by the Senate.

It also congratulated itself on taking a leadership role in promoting this legislation for the last 10 years. Other Jewish organizations have also been at the forefront of promoting “hate crime” legislation in the US and throughout the West.

Needless to say, here are very sound reasons to oppose this legislation. “Hate Crime” laws are superfluous, since crimes such as murder or assault are crimes whatever the motivation. Moreover, as Paul Craig Roberts recently pointed out there is a pronounced tendency for American legislation to metastasize into regulations far different and much more sweeping than the enactors envisaged (or admitted). This alone is reason enough to oppose any legislative advance into the areas of motivation or opinion. It is inevitable that “Hate Crimes” will quickly come to include political speech, specifically on immigration.

Why are Jewish organizations so committed to this drive to abolish free speech? Sadly, such an attitude is entirely within the Jewish tradition. Jewish groups have a long history of powerful controls over group members, ranging from regulations on economic behavior and charity toward other Jews, to regulating behavior likely to give rise to anti-Semitism or likely to damage other interests of the group.

One aspect of this is that there was little history of free speech within traditional Jewish societies. Historically, Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky point out, rabbis and other elite members of the Ashkenazi and Sephardic communities had extraordinary power over other Jews— literally the power of life and death. And they were highly intolerant. Jews accused of heretical religious views were beaten or murdered. Their books were burned or buried in cemeteries. When a heretic died, his body was beaten by a special burial committee, placed in a cart filled with dung, and deposited outside the Jewish cemetery.

This repressive tradition continues. Notwithstanding the image of freely tolerating dissent within the Jewish community (“Two Jews, three opinions), John Mearsheimer and Steven Walt have shown that on important issues like Israel, Jewish dissenters are marginalized and there is strong pressure to limit disagreement. Jews can criticize Israel but only out of public view. Mearsheimer and Walt note that pro-Israel activism is dominated by “hard-line Zionists, Orthodox, and neoconservative circles”. As has happened so often in Jewish history, the most committed Jews have determined the direction of the Jewish community, with the result that the leadership of pro-Israel organizations tends to be more radical than the rest of the American Jewish community

Already, elsewhere in the English-speaking world, the “Hate Crime” strategy has been used to repress views unwelcome to Jewish organizations.

In Canada, for example, as the Jewish journalist Ezra Levant has described, Jewish organizations and activists have been a major source of support for the Canadian Human Rights Commission, an organization whose role is to enforce “hate speech” totalitarianism.

Levant describes the Simon Wiesenthal Center as “one of the most vicious interveners in Canadian Human Rights Commission censorship trials.”

Bernie Farber, Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Jewish Congress, claimed recently that “our anti-hate laws are probably the most underused.” Levant comments:

“That sounds like Ian Fine, senior counsel for the CHRC, who declared that ‘there can't be enough laws against hate.’ … Farber … wants more censorship, more government intervention into thoughts and ideas — and the emotion called ‘hate’.”

A good example of this intolerance for speech they don’t like is the response of Canada’s organized Jewish community to recent demonstrations against Israel. The Canadian Jewish Congress complained that protests against Israel’s incursion into Gaza contained images that were "uncivil, un-Canadian, that demonize Jews and Israelis," and is asking the police to investigate the matter for referral to the CHRC.

Nevertheless, despite the strong support of the organized Jewish community for thought crime legislation, the CJC’s Farber has the effrontery to claim “we are firm supporters and believers in the need to be able to demonstrate passionately in free and democratic societies”.

Perhaps he is excluding Canada from the ranks of “free and democratic” societies. In that he would be quite right.

In Australia, Jewish organizations have also been leading the push to criminalize thought. Andrew Fraser, a former professor of public law at Macquarie University in Sydney, was brought before the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission because he had written a letter published in a newspaper suggesting that “once black African colonies in Australia grow in size and in confidence, one can reasonably expect a number of social problems and rising levels of crime and violence.” In his comments before the Commission, Fraser noted that the charges against him by an African had actually been instigated by “several organized Jewish groups that boast openly of the campaign they have organized against me,” citing articles in Jewish newspapers. Fraser wrote that Jewish individuals and organizations had acted “to further their shared ethnic interest in the growth of a multi-racial society in Australia.”

In a wonderful passage, Fraser states that he has no objection against African and Jewish groups pursuing their interests in making Australia into a multi-racial society—

“But they must understand that, as Australia becomes a multi-racial society, it is inevitable that Anglo-Australians, having observed the self-interested activities of other racial, ethnic and religious groups, are bound to become more conscious of their own distinctive racial identity. Many white Australians already feel that they are losing their ancestral homeland to a massive influx of Third World migrants hostile or indifferent to the ethnic interests of the host society. … The simple fact is that a multi-racial immigration policy is not obviously and necessarily in the best interests of white Australians.”

Exactly. But the problem is that there is an imposing array of national and international organizations that are both promoting non-White immigration into formerly European countries, and attempting to criminalize any dissent from that policy.

Already we see intellectual justifications (see also here and here) from legal scholars aimed at making American law more in line with European and Canadian laws limiting freedom of speech on multicultural issues. (Importing foreign law into American courts is a particular cause of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, one of the Supreme Court’s two Jewish Justices).

Two reasons explain the tremendous push by Jewish organizations for “Hate” laws. The first is, obviously, Israel. Zionists in America have succeeded in turning the U.S. into a client state of Israel and in commandeering huge quantities of American resources in its defense. This is an astonishing achievement, far removed from any obvious interests of the majority population in the U.S. As the task gets more difficult, the temptation to repress grows.

William I. Robinson, a Jewish sociology professor at the University of California–Santa Barbara, is good recent example. Robinson sent an email to his students juxtaposing what he termed "parallel images of Nazis and Israelis" — Jews victimized during the Holocaust and Palestinians attacked by Israel during the recent Gaza invasion. The response was swift. The ADL and the Simon Wiesenthal Center condemned Robinson’s email. The ADL’s Abraham Foxman announced that "You can criticize Israel; you can criticize the war in Gaza. But to compare what the Israelis are doing in defense of their citizens to what the Nazis did to the Jews is clearly anti-Semitism".

In other words, the ADL believes in free speech—up to the point where it think it conflicts with its version of Jewish interests. And after that point, it is perfectly willing to do whatever it takes to shut up people like Robinson. (Hmm, sounds familiar; see also here.)

The second reason Jewish organizations want enhanced repression powers: immigration. The organized Jewish community has long been the single most effective pressure group in favor of massive non-White immigration into the United States. The ADL and other Jewish organizations are currently presenting a united front on the issue of so-called “comprehensive immigration reform”, which would legalize millions of illegal immigrants and set off another massive round of chain migration to the US from Mexico and other countries. Organizations with high levels of Jewish funding such as the ACLU and have been in the forefront of expanding the “rights” of legal and illegal immigrants and refugees and making the enforcement of immigration laws difficult. The Southern Poverty Law Center (or $PLC in terminology) seems to have completey shifted its focus from, well, southern poverty and the Ku Klux Klan to attacking critics of immigration, no matter how law-abiding and respectable.

From my Darwinian perspective, this is quite clearly a program of conquest and displacement of European peoples by non-European peoples. Since I am of European descent this strikes me as rather obviously against my interests.

Most of the time since the catastrophic 1965 Immigration Act passed—producing, once again, consequences quite different from what the enactors claimed to envision—a bipartisan consensus kept what was happening out of public debate.

But the Bush/Kennedy Amnesty/Immigration Acceleration attempts of 2006 and 2007 were unexpectedly defeated—only and exclusively because of grassroots opposition. This political instability can be expected to increase as the consequences of immigration become increasingly undeniable. Accordingly, elite intolerance of dissent on the immigration issue is perceptibly rising.

It’s important to realize the scope of this effort to prohibit speech that conflicts with the multicultural utopia envisioned by the left. Exhibit A in the Big Picture of Hate Crime legislation is the recent Durban Review Conference in Geneva — the follow-up to the World Conference Against Racism of 2001.

The Outcome Document put out as the consensus sentiment of the conference is a real eye-opener. It is a compendium of the dogmas of the intellectual left which, if implemented, would result in massive transfers of wealth from Western countries to undeveloped countries and massive population transfers from undeveloped countries to Western countries. And it calls for international legal power to punish speech and actions that deviate from these policy goals.

For example, Paragraph 13 provides this masterpiece of Orwellian doublethink: it “reaffirms … that all dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred, incitement to racial discrimination as well as all acts of violence or incitement to such acts shall be declared offence punishable by law … and that these prohibitions are consistent with freedom of opinion and expression.” [My emphasis]

On the face of it, this seems to state that a race scientist like J. Phillipe Rushton or Richard Lynn could be sent to prison for claiming on the basis of scientific data that there are distinct races and that they differ in intelligence and other traits linked with economic development. But even so, the OD claims, the proposed laws will not infringe these scholars’ right to say whatever they want.

Perhaps the idea is that while Rushton and Lynn are in prison, they will be free to discuss these ideas with their cellmates.

Without mentioning Western societies in particular, the OD clearly articulates a moral and legal duty of Western societies to be overrun anyone who wants to live in them.

There should have been a mass protest by people of European descent at Geneva. But, ironically, the only protestors were Jewish activists.

However, these activists were concerned not because the program of the OD, if implemented, would sound the death knell of every traditionally European country in the world. Rather, they were protesting because the OD reiterated its support for the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action of 2001. This contained paragraphs referring to Israel as a foreign occupying power over the Palestinians and calling for an independent Palestinian state. Each of these proposals is anathema to serious Zionists.

There was a massive paradox in Jews protesting the Geneva Conference—given that Jewish organizations in Western societies have been strong supporters of the policies advocated by the rest of the document. Essentially, Jewish organizations are seeking to carve out for Israel an ethnonationalist exception to the leftist zeitgeist that dominates the OD. Israel has a discriminatory immigration policy based on tracing descent to a Jewish mother, and it has a variety of policies that discriminate against Arabs within Israel (e.g., Palestinians who marry Israeli Arabs cannot become Israeli citizens). It has created an apartheid society in the West Bank occupied territories, and it has treated African migrants and refugees very poorly, doing its utmost to discourage them from coming and making their lives as miserable as possible after they arrive. All of these are in clear violation of the OD.

In short, Israel is behaving as if it is a nation with a certain ethnic core and is arranging its affairs in order to keep its ethnic identity. But in the US, the organized Jewish community has been the most effective force in favor of massive non-White immigration.

Arguably, the federal hate crime law now before the Senate does not explicitly penalize speech in the absence of a crime. But not only do these social engineering measures have a very strong tendency to mutate under the influence of the courts and the bureaucrats—it is also quite clear that some of the supporters of “hate laws” are eager to expand them to speech even in the absence of any other crime. Thus the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act” was just introduced in the House. It would make it a federal felony to cause “substantial emotional distress” through “Severe, Repeated, and Hostile” speech.

Such a law could easily be applied to politicians or judges, and is obviously unconstitutional under current interpretations. But one can easily imagine that Obama appointees would have no problem altering this in the interests of the “empathy” for people's hopes and struggles” that he has said he will require of them. Of course, Obama’s criterion of “empathy” as a legal standard is about as far removed as one can imagine from the rule of law based on founding documents (especially the First Amendment) and legal tradition. But he did say, after all, that he was the candidate of “change”.

The ADL is on the verge of getting its Federal Hate Crimes bill signed into law. It is only a matter of time before it makes an all out assault on the First Amendment.

And now the Obama Administration, and the entire intellectual left, will be wholly on board with the Jewish organizations’ long-held agenda.